import h5py
import numpy as np
from .utils.common import init_axis, sind, cosd
from .para import ATTPara
import copy
class Checker():
"""Create checkerboard model by adding perturbations on an exist model
def __init__(self, model_fname:str, para_fname='input_params.yml') -> None:
"""Initialize Checker object
:param fname: Path to initial model file
:type fname: str
:param para_fname: Path to parameter file, defaults to 'input_params.yml'
:type para_fname: str, optional
self.model_file = model_fname
self.para_fname = para_fname
with h5py.File(model_fname) as f:
self.vel = f['vel'][:]
self.eta = f['eta'][:]
self.xi = f['xi'][:]
self.zeta = f['zeta'][:]
def _init_axis(self):
"""Initialize axis
:param min_max_dep: min and max depth, ``[min_dep, max_dep]``
:type min_max_dep: list
:param min_max_lat: Min and max latitude, ``[min_lat, max_lat]``
:type min_max_lat: list
:param min_max_lon: Min and max longitude, ``[min_lon, max_lon]``
:type min_max_lon: list
:param n_rtp: number of dimensions [ndep, nlat, nlon]
:type n_rtp: list
para = ATTPara(self.para_fname)
n_rtp = para.input_params['domain']['n_rtp']
min_max_dep = para.input_params['domain']['min_max_dep']
min_max_lat = para.input_params['domain']['min_max_lat']
min_max_lon = para.input_params['domain']['min_max_lon']
self.dd,, self.pp, self.dr, self.dt, self.dp, = init_axis(
min_max_dep, min_max_lat, min_max_lon, n_rtp
def _create_taper(self, xleft, xright, type='d'):
if type == 'd':
x = np.flip(self.dd); dx = self.dr
elif type == 't':
x =; dx = self.dt
elif type == 'p':
x = self.pp; dx = self.dp
if xleft < x[0] or xright > x[-1]:
raise ValueError('limitation out of range')
ntaper_left = int((xleft-x[0])/dx)
ntaper_right = int((x[-1]-xright)/dx)
return ntaper_left, ntaper_right
def checkerboard(self, n_pert_x:int, n_pert_y:int, n_pert_z:int,
pert_vel=0.08, pert_ani=0.04, ani_dir=45,
lim_x=None, lim_y=None, lim_z=None):
"""Create checkerboard
:param n_pert_x: Multiple of period along X, e.g., set to 1 for 2 anomalies
:type n_pert_x: float
:param n_pert_y: Multiple of period along Y
:type n_pert_y: float
:param n_pert_z: Multiple of period along Z
:type n_pert_z: float
:param pert_vel: Perturbation for velocity, defaults to ``0.08``
:type pert_vel: float, optional
:param pert_ani: Perturbation for anisotropy, defaults to ``0.04``
:type pert_ani: float, optional
:param ani_dir: Direction of fast velocity direction, defaults to ``45``
:type ani_dir: float, optional
:param lim_x: Left and right bound along X, defaults to ``None``
:type lim_x: list, optional
:param lim_y: Left and right bound along Y, defaults to ``None``
:type lim_y: list, optional
:param lim_z: Left and right bound along Z, defaults to ``None``
:type lim_z: list, optional
if lim_x is not None:
ntaper_left, ntaper_right = self._create_taper(*lim_x, type='p')
ntaper_left = 0
ntaper_right = 0
x_pert = np.zeros_like(self.pp)
x_pert[ntaper_left:self.pp.size-ntaper_right] = \
np.sin(n_pert_x*np.pi*np.arange(self.pp.size-(ntaper_left+ntaper_right))/ \
if lim_y is not None:
ntaper_left, ntaper_right = self._create_taper(*lim_y, type='t')
ntaper_left = 0
ntaper_right = 0
y_pert = np.zeros_like(
y_pert[] = \
np.sin(n_pert_y*np.pi*np.arange( \
if lim_z is not None:
ntaper_left, ntaper_right = self._create_taper(*lim_z, type='d')
ntaper_left = 0
ntaper_right = 0
z_pert = np.zeros_like(self.dd)
z_pert[ntaper_right:self.dd.size-ntaper_left] = \
np.sin(n_pert_z*np.pi*np.arange(self.dd.size-(ntaper_left+ntaper_right))/ \
xx, yy, zz= np.meshgrid(z_pert, y_pert, x_pert, indexing='ij')
self.perturbation = xx*yy*zz
self.vel_pert = self.vel * (1+self.perturbation*pert_vel)
self.dlnv = self.perturbation*pert_vel
self.epsilon = np.abs(self.perturbation)*pert_ani
self.phi = np.zeros_like(self.vel)
self.phi[np.where(self.perturbation>0)] = ani_dir
self.phi[np.where(self.perturbation<0)] = ani_dir+90
self.xi = self.epsilon*cosd(2*self.phi)
self.eta = self.epsilon*sind(2*self.phi)
def copy(self):
"""Create a deep copy of the Checker object
:return: A copy of the Checker object
:rtype: Checker
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def write(self, fname):
"""Write new model to h5 file
:param fname: Path to output file
:type fname: str
if fname is None:
fname = '.'.join(self.model_file.split('.')[:-1])+'_pert.h5'
with h5py.File(fname, 'w') as f:
f.create_dataset('xi', data=self.xi)
f.create_dataset('eta', data=self.eta)
f.create_dataset('zeta', data=self.zeta)
f.create_dataset('vel', data=self.vel_pert)
f.create_dataset('epsilon', data=self.epsilon)
f.create_dataset('phi', data=self.phi)
f.create_dataset('dlnv', data=self.dlnv)